Learn to Row
From brand new rowers to those looking to re-enter the sport, we have the Course for you!
Our Learn to Row Program
A core priority of the Community Rowing Club is introducing the sport of rowing to members of our community who have not previously had the opportunity or experience to get into a boat.
Through our learn to row program, participants will learn the basics of boat handling, safety on the water, and the key parts of rowing technique, from:
- how to manoeuvre and propel a boat;
- how to balance and set up a boat;
- how to work together as a crew;
- how to maintain timing and rhythm;
- how to handle a sweep and sculling oar; and
- how to have fun in a boat!

Our learn to row course is perfect for young children who are looking to get an early start in our sport, or adults who are looking to learn a new skill, join a sports team and work towards competition, or look for a fun new social and recreational activity they haven’t tried before.
If you’ve ever been curious about the sport, but didn’t know where to start, this is certainly the place.
Details of our Next Course
Our Course runs weekly on weekend mornings from 9.00am to 11.00am for six weeks at a time. During the course participants are given both on-water and off-water training and learn a mixture of sweep oar and sculling technique.
The cost of the course is $450 + GST, and includes the cost of recreational membership with Rowing NSW, the state body governing the sport in NSW.
Our next course will be in 2025 – please register your interest above if you wish to join our next course.
For more information, please contact us, or drop us an email at learn2row@communityrowing.com.au.