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    Strength: Very Weak
    About You
    About You
    Do you identify as being Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
    Do you require any special assistance or have any impairment or condition which may impact your ability to row in relation to the following areas:
    If you require other special assistance or have any other impairment or condition, please describe it here
    Address and Contact Details
    Emergency Contact / Guardian (if under 18)
    Emergency Contact / Guardian
    Rowing Information
    Are you a member of any other Club? If so include here.

    Terms of Acceptance

    By Submitting this form, you agree that:
    • You will abide by the rules and by-laws of CRC, and will follow the reasonable directions of the board, including to pay all subscriptions and debts to the Club as they fall due.
    • You have read, understand and will abide by the Club's member protection and OH&S policies, as amended and placed on its website and/or noticeboard from time to time.
    • Except as disclosed on this form, you do not suffer from any condition, injury or ailment that would prevent you from fully participating in rowing activities, or put you at risk of injury or harm if you were to participate in any rowing related activities. You agree to immediately notify the Club in writing if this changes.
    • You understand rowing is a dangerous sport that contains inherent risks — you have read and understand the FISA safety manual* ("FISA Minimum Guidelines for the Safe Practice of Rowing") and NSW Maritime Code of Conduct for Rowing and Sculling Shells, and you agree to comply with these documents.
    • You confirm you can swim 100 metres in rowing clothes, or, if you have any difficulty in doing so, that and the reason(s) for any difficulty are fully set out in this form.
    • You consent to the Club collecting, using, retaining & disseminating your personal information (including contact details and photographs) in accordance with its privacy policy, which you have read and understood.
    • You understand that the Club does not provide personal accident insurance cover for you. This insurance cover is provided by Rowing NSW for its members, as detailed on their website. You understand that to obtain this insurance cover you must register as a member of Rowing NSW, and of a club / school in NSW or another state or territory within Australia.
    • In consideration for the Club's acceptance of your membership, you, including any heirs, executors and administrators (or any other person claiming through or under you), hereby release from, indemnify and waive any and all claim, right, cause of action or suit (including for negligence and gross negligence) ('Claim') against Community Rowing Club, its agents, employees, volunteers, coaches, office-bearers or members of the board, or any other person or entity acting with the authority of any of those entities, arising out of or related to any injury, loss of life or damage to property which you may suffer or sustain, or cause to any third party, as a result (either directly or indirectly) of your membership with, or participation in any activity arranged by Community Rowing Club.
    • You understand this release, waiver and indemnity involves a release of significant legal rights and nevertheless agree to be bound by its terms.
    Select Your Payment Gateway
    To make payment of your membership fee by bank transfer, please use your own internet banking facility to pay your membership fee to the below account.  Once you have made payment using your own banking system, please record here the transaction description you have used, together with your bank name, your account name, and the amount transferred so we can match your transaction when it is received.

    Bank: Bendigo Bank
    BSB: 633 000
    Account No.: 165777947
    Name: Community Rowing Club Inc.
    How you want to pay?
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